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The New Human Revolution, vol. 2, rev. ed.


In this novelized history of the Soka Gakkai and the stories of ordinary people who transformed their lives through Nichiren Buddhism, you will find inspiring and practical Buddhist wisdom for living happily and compassionately in today's world.

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Chapter Summaries Chapter 1: Vanguard From his inauguration as president on May 3, 1960, to his first overseas trip that October, Shin’ichi travels throughout Japan to establish new chapters. In Okinawa, he visits several World War II battle sites and decides that Okinawa would be the most fitting place to begin his biography of Josei Toda. Chapter 2: Training Over the summer, Shin’ichi focuses on training young men and women. At the young men’s Suikokai outdoor training camp, he’s confronted with their lack of determination for kosen-rufu and speaks strictly to rouse their seeking spirit and so they could live the most meaningful lives. Chapter 3: Courageous Endeavor After his overseas trip, Shin’ichi attends inaugural chapter meetings throughout the country, demonstrating through his actions that supporting members is the essence of being a leader. On November 18, at a memorial for founding president Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, he reminisces about the government oppression Makiguchi and Toda faced in the prewar period. Chapter 4: Banner of the People Shin’ichi’s schedule becomes even more hectic. At a young women’s general meeting, he reminds the audience of Toda’s guidance to “please become happy.” He attends more chapter inaugural meetings, sharing stories of the pioneer members. One night at the end of the year he’s able to return home early and spend some rare time with his family. Publisher: World Tribune Press Paperback: 335 pages Dimensions: 5” x 8” E-book available at or from your favorite e-book seller



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