*The New Human Revolution, vol. 8
In this novelized history of the Soka Gakkai and the stories of ordinary people who transformed their lives through Nichiren Buddhism, you will find inspiring and practical Buddhist wisdom for living happily and compassionately in today's world.
Chapter Summaries Chapter 1: Securing the Foundation Approaching his third anniversary as Soka Gakkai president, Shin’ichi considers his next steps toward the following year’s seventh memorial of Josei Toda’s passing, an important milestone. In June, he visits the outlying Amami Oshima islands for the first time and recounts the incredible ordeals of the members there. Chapter 2: Jeweled Sword Urging the young men’ and young women’s division to each aim for one million members, Shin’ichi writes new guidelines for them, titled “Youth, Become World Leaders,” a spiritual appeal for them to open their eyes wide to the world. The high priest publishes a directive for all priests to work for kosen-rufu themselves and stop criticizing the Soka Gakkai. Chapter 3: Pure Stream Shin’ichi encourages the members of the writers department to speak out courageously for truth and justice. To support the Soka Gakkai’s cultural movement, Shin’ichi establishes the Min-On Concert Association to bring music to the people. Serious financial misconduct by a region leader results in disarray and a lesson in the essential nature of devilish functions. Chapter 4: Raging Rapids John F. Kennedy’s assassination rocks the world. Korea refuses to admit a Soka Gakkai delegation because of widespread anti-Japanese sentiment stemming from World War II. Members persevere and eventually win the trust of Korean society, eventually gaining recognition from the country’s president. Publisher: World Tribune Press Paperback: 367 pages Dimensions: 5” x 8” E-book available at Amazon.com or from your favorite e-book seller